Frequently Asked Questions

Your Guide to California Housing Laws: FAQs

Welcome to our comprehensive FAQ section, a reservoir of knowledge and insights derived directly from the inquiries and experiences of homeowners like you. At RHE Development, we pride ourselves on being not just experts but practitioners in the field, navigating the tangible challenges and opportunities presented by SB 9, SB 10, SB 4, and ADU/JADU developments. The questions and answers you’ll find below are not mere hypotheticals but are born from real-world scenarios, reflecting the genuine curiosities and concerns of homeowners we’ve had the pleasure of assisting. From the intricacies of legislation to the practicalities of development, we’ve encountered a vast spectrum of situations and found solutions that pave the way for successful, rewarding projects. Rest assured, with RHE Development, you are in adept and experienced hands, navigating confidently through every step of your property development journey. Schedule a consultation today to explore the possibilities for your property, maximize its value, and unlock new avenues of income.

Frequently Asked Questions on ADUs & JADUs:

An Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) is a secondary housing unit on a single-family residential lot. It can be attached, detached, or a conversion of an existing space like a garage.
The maximum size of an ADU depends on local ordinances but generally ranges from 850 to 1,200 square feet. RHE Development will provide guidelines specific to your locality.
Yes, ADUs can be rented out. We can guide you through the rental process and local regulations to ensure compliance.
ADU design is subject to local building codes, which RHE Development will navigate to ensure your ADU meets all necessary criteria.
Constructing an ADU may increase property taxes, but the exact impact varies. We can connect you with tax professionals for detailed advice.
Yes, ADUs are designed for flexibility. We will assess your property to maximize space utilization.
The timeline varies but typically ranges from several months to over a year, depending on complexity and local approval processes.
ADUs generally need separate utilities, which RHE Development will coordinate during the construction process.
Yes, but special considerations and approvals may be required to preserve the district's character.
Financing options include home equity loans, personal loans, and potentially state and local grants or programs.
A JADU is typically contained within the existing home with a maximum size of 500 square feet, while an ADU can be larger and separate from the main residence.
Parking requirements vary by location, especially in relation to public transit access. We will advise based on your specific situation.
With the passage of AB 1033, ADUs may be sold separately if local ordinances permit, a process we can assist with.
Generally, no, but local ordinances may have specific requirements, such as owner-occupancy of one of the units.
An ADU will likely change your property insurance needs. We recommend discussing this with your insurance provider.
This depends on local regulations, which we will help you understand to ensure compliance.
Fees vary by locality and ADU size. Some areas offer incentives or waivers to encourage ADU development.
Typically, ADUs have a separate address or unit number for billing and identification purposes.
The process involves plan submission, review, and permit issuance, which RHE Development will facilitate for you.
Yes, ADUs must comply with California's energy efficiency standards, which we ensure during the design and construction phases.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on SB 9

Yes, SB 9 allows homeowners to add units to their property, even if there's an existing duplex. The specifics, however, depend on the size and zoning of your lot. RHE Development can provide a detailed assessment based on your property's unique characteristics.
Absolutely! SB 9 permits urban lot splits, allowing homeowners to subdivide their parcel into two approximately equal parts. RHE Development will guide you through the process, ensuring compliance with local regulations and maximizing the potential of both lots.
Costs can vary based on factors like location, size of the project, and specific requirements. RHE Development offers a comprehensive consultation to provide homeowners with a clear estimate tailored to their property.
Begin with a consultation. RHE Development's team will assess your property, provide clarity on SB 9's implications, and suggest the best strategies to proceed.
RHE Development boasts a network of pre-vetted builders, contractors, and architects knowledgeable about SB 9. We ensure that homeowners work with professionals who understand the intricacies of this legislation, avoiding common pitfalls.
SB 9 can significantly boost your rental income by allowing the addition of more units. With California's housing demand, multiple units can ensure a steady and lucrative stream of rental income. RHE Development can provide projections based on your property and location.
It's crucial to work with vetted professionals. RHE Development connects homeowners with a network of trusted professionals, ensuring quality work and adherence to SB 9 regulations.
Changing contractors can be a complex process. However, with RHE Development, we ensure a smooth transition, handling permits and documentation. Our team will also connect you with another trusted contractor from our network, ensuring continuity.
Clear communication and a detailed contract are key. RHE Development assists homeowners in drafting comprehensive contracts, ensuring clarity on project scope, costs, and timelines, minimizing the chances of unexpected change orders.
While SB 9 focuses on allowing homeowners to add units or split lots, SB 10 aims at upzoning areas near transit to allow for higher-density housing. RHE Development offers expertise in both, guiding clients based on their property's location and goals.
Yes, after a lot split, you generally have the flexibility to sell either lot. However, there are nuances to consider, such as condo mapping for specific sales. RHE Development can connect you with real estate experts in our network to guide you through the specifics.
SB 9 does provide pathways for lot subdivision. The specifics would depend on the property's zoning, size, and other factors. RHE Development can assess the property and provide a clear roadmap for potential subdivision and construction.
Height restrictions can vary based on local ordinances. While SB 9 provides a general framework, local regulations might have specific requirements. RHE Development will consult with local agencies to ensure your project aligns with all height and zoning regulations.
Exemptions can be complex and vary based on local regulations. RHE Development's team will guide you through the process, liaising with local agencies to explore potential exemptions and ensure compliance.
Fees can vary based on location and the specifics of the project. RHE Development offers a transparent breakdown of potential costs, ensuring homeowners are well-informed before proceeding.
SB 9 allows for flexibility in construction post-lot split. However, local regulations might have specific guidelines. RHE Development will provide clarity on what's permissible based on your property's location and zoning.
Absolutely! Corner lots with multiple houses can have unique opportunities under SB 9. RHE Development will assess your property, guide you through the planning process, and connect you with surveyors and other professionals as needed.
Broadly, SB 9 lot splits require homeowners to sign an affidavit committing to live in one of the resulting units for three years. However, there are nuances to consider. RHE Development will provide clarity on all residency and ownership requirements.
Septic system concerns can be complex, especially in areas with specific environmental regulations. RHE Development liaises with local agencies, ensuring all environmental and health standards are met while maximizing the potential of your property.
Property tax implications can vary based on the extent of development and local tax regulations. RHE Development will connect you with tax experts in our network to ensure you have a clear understanding of potential tax implications post-development.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on SB 10

SB 10 aims to alleviate California's housing crisis by enabling cities to voluntarily "up-zone" specific areas, facilitating increased housing density near job centers and public transit.
SB 10 allows cities to authorize up to ten units per parcel in designated areas without undergoing the extensive environmental review typically required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
No, SB 9 and SB 10 have distinct provisions and focus areas, with SB 9 targeting single-family zoned areas and SB 10 focusing on broader urban areas.
SB 10 authorizes up to ten units per property, while SB 9 allows up to four units.
No, SB 10 is voluntary, allowing cities to choose whether to adopt its provisions and upzone specific areas.
No, SB 10 primarily targets existing urban areas, aiming to increase housing density without drastically altering neighborhood character.
The impact of SB 10 will depend on whether your city adopts it and designates areas for upzoning, potentially facilitating modest and gradual changes in housing density.
While SB 10 waives CEQA review for eligible projects, developments must still adhere to other applicable environmental regulations and local policies.
Cities may consider various factors, such as local opposition, infrastructure concerns, or other specific circumstances, when deciding whether to adopt SB 10.
SB 10 encourages housing development near job centers by allowing cities to increase density in these areas, potentially reducing commute times and traffic.
Areas near transit and job-rich zones may be upzoned under SB 10, with specifics varying by city and local regulations.
While both bills aim to increase housing density, SB 9 focuses on lot splits and two-unit developments on single-family lots, whereas SB 10 enables cities to upzone areas for multi-unit residential buildings.
While SB 10 doesn’t impose height limits, developments must comply with local zoning laws and regulations regarding building height.
If your property is in an area upzoned under SB 10 and meets local criteria, you may be able to develop it into a multi-unit building, with specific guidance available from RHE Development.
Costs can vary widely based on various factors, and RHE Development offers consultations to provide a clear cost breakdown for specific projects.
No, the development of high-rises under SB 10 would be influenced by local zoning laws, community input, and economic viability.
SB 10 aims to alleviate the housing crisis by enabling the development of more housing units in strategic urban areas, contributing to the reduction of housing shortages.
Yes, SB 10 primarily applies to urban areas and those that are transit-rich and job-rich, with implementation specifics unique to each adopting city.
SB 10 is part of the "Building Opportunities For All" Senate Housing Package, designed to provide cities with an option to increase housing density in urban areas, differing in approach and focus from other housing bills.
Potentially, if your property meets the criteria set by SB 10 and local regulations, you might be able to develop it into a multi-unit building, subject to local ordinances and regulations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on SB 4

SB 4, also known as the YIGBY bill, allows religious institutions and nonprofit colleges to build affordable housing on their land, bypassing certain zoning and CEQA requirements.
SB 4 provides a "by-right" approval for housing development projects on properties owned by religious institutions or independent institutions of higher education, thereby streamlining the permitting process and overriding local zoning restrictions.
Any housing built under SB 4 must be deed-restricted to be affordable for a minimum of 55 years for rental properties, and 45 years for homes offered for ownership.
RHE Development provides end-to-end management of SB 4 projects, including consultation, regulatory navigation, efficient process management, leveraging professional networks, and comprehensive management from design to construction.
Yes, RHE Development provides insights and management regarding all aspects of zoning laws, land use, and local ordinances, ensuring your project is in compliance with all regulatory aspects.
SB 4 is expected to significantly impact the availability of affordable housing in California by unlocking a substantial amount of land for development and streamlining the construction process.
The Housing Accountability Unit ensures that cities and counties fulfill their legal responsibilities to plan and permit their fair share of housing, aligning with the goals of SB 4 to increase housing availability.
Organizations can schedule a consultation with RHE Development to begin their SB 4 development journey, where they will receive tailored advice, strategic insights, and a clear roadmap for their project.
SB 4 allows for the development of affordable housing projects on land owned by religious institutions and nonprofit colleges, providing a streamlined process and overriding certain local zoning restrictions.
SB 4 aligns with California’s goals by providing a mechanism to increase the availability of affordable housing, addressing the critical housing shortage in the state, and offering more opportunities for affordable living to Californians.